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HIROs 4 HOPE 2017
HIROs 4 HOPE 2017
'Where it began' five years ago, the Hiro's4Hope ride was myself a mate and four blokes from the office who decided to take some time out and ride from Bangkok, Thailand to Phnom Penh, Cambodia, in the process raise some money for the Hope for Cambodian Children Foundation. That we did and the HFCC installed new rainwater tanks at the HFCC Centre in Battambang, Cambodia. We wanted to make a difference and do good by doing good.
It dawned on me that this was a very special event when in the second year, all the 'Originals' returned but this time with their friends. Now in our 5th year our little ride, isn't so little anymore and we are now attracting 50 riders from all walks of life from all corners of the globe, who will fly in at their own cost, join the team and ride more than 800km over 5 days and raise an amazing $200,000.
The primary focus of the Hope Indochina Ride Organisation 'HIRO' is to raise awareness and funds for the Hope for Cambodian Children Foundation who run the 'Little Hiros' Preschool and Community outreach programs. . Important to note that 'ALL" of the funds we raise go directly to HOPE and are used in Cambodia. www.hopeforcambodianchildrenfoundation.org
The HIRO's and their supporters sponsor this entire part of the community education program. A substantial effort. HFCC only work with those most vulnerable or from within the poorest communities and they believe every child deserves the access to Education. The HIROs share this view and come back each year to take up the challenge of one Asia's biggest charity bike rides, make life changing outcomes for these kids and themselves in the process. Taking away memories and friendships for a lifetime.
If you would like to support this ride, the HFCCF or any other general inquiry please contact Jeremy on +65 84881848 or mailto:jeremy.thomas@matrixx.com
Hope for Cambodian Children Foundation
Hope for Cambodian Children Foundation Inc.
(HOPE) is an Australian non-government, not-for-profit organisation with taxation deductibility status (DGR). HOPE is Community Care organisation looking after the need of Chilren and their families. There are no Children in residential Care and we have an current MOU with the Cambodian Government.
HOPE operates a Community Centre in Battambang Cambodia to provide intensive services to women and children including:
- Outreach support to vulnerable children and young people in the community.
- Mother 2 Baby prevention to support mothers and newborn babies to keep families together
- Preschool and Early Childhood Education
- Community Education, computer classes, training and Life Skills.
- Medical support and case management with a particular focus on people living with HIV.
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