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Ride of Hope for Cambodian Children - Take 3!

Ajay Ghariwala

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Ride of Hope for Cambodian Children - Take 3!




This will be the 3rd year I will be on my bike joining a group of cycling enthusiasts from all over the world to ride in support of the Hope for Cambodian Children's Foundation from Oct 14 to 19 2015. This year we will ride from Bangkok Thailand covering over 600km in 5 days, finishing in Siem Reap, Cambodia.


Those of you kind enough to have supported me prior will know this is the 3rd consecutive year. Previously with your help, we've installed clean drinking water tanks and provided a multi purpose 4x4 to the Centre. This year we are aiming even higher! The foundation plans to start a pre-school for the kids in the Battambang region using the funds raised this year. We've set a target of 100K and we are well on our way there.


We are asking for you support for this great cause! Every cent you contribute plays a part in enriching the lives of these underprivileged kids and builds a brighter future for them.  


Tax Deduuctable donations made through this platform are secure and will be remitted directly through to HOPE Foundation at 97 cents in every dollar. You can be sure you are directly supporting the fantastic work at the HOPE Centre.


Thanks so much for your support!


Ajay & HIRO's (Hope Indochina Ride Originals)

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AUD $178,774 of AUD $200,000 target

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    Hope for Cambodian Children Foundation

    Hope for Cambodian Children Foundation Inc. 
    (HOPE) is an Australian non-government, not-for-profit organisation with taxation deductibility status (DGR). HOPE is Community Care organisation looking after the need of Chilren and their families.  There are no Children in residential Care and we have an current MOU with the Cambodian Government.

    HOPE operates a Community Centre in Battambang Cambodia to provide intensive services to women and children including:

    - Outreach support to vulnerable children and young people in the community.

    - Mother 2 Baby prevention to support mothers and newborn babies to keep families together

    - Preschool and Early Childhood Education

    - Community Education, computer classes, training and Life Skills.

    - Medical support and case management with a particular focus on people living with HIV.

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