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LUPUS ..Riding So Others May Fly

Julie Schutz (Page)

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LUPUS ..Riding So Others May Fly


Hi there!

On October the 8th, I will be riding 220 km Around the Bay in a Day. Riding with friends, we hope to make a difference by increasing awareness and fundraising for LUPUS.

Since being diagnosed with this chronic inflammatory autoimmune disease 2 1/2 year s ago, it has become a cause very close to my heart.


In support, although I would greatly appreciate any contribution, big or small, most importantly I'd love just a little of your time to learn about the disease and increase your awareness by reading below...




Lupus is an autoimmune disease that occurs when the body's immune system attacks its own tissues and organs. It is more common in women, affects people of all ages, but it's most often diagnosed between the ages of 15-40. 


The cause of Lupus is still not known, it’s progressive, unpredictable and there is no cure.


Inflammation caused by lupus can affect many areas of the body: 

KIDNEYS: Serious kidney damage, and kidney failure is one of the leading causes of death among people with Lupus

BRAIN and CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM: One may experience headaches, dizziness, hallucinations, memory problems, strokes or seizures

BLOOD AND BLOOD VESSELS:  Including anemia and increased risk of bleeding or blood clotting LUNGS: Increased chances of developing inflammation of the chest cavity lining (pleurisy), which can make breathing painful, and one is more susceptible to pneumonia

HEART: Can cause inflammation of your heart muscle, your arteries or heart membrane (pericarditis). The risk of cardiovascular disease and heart attacks is greatly increased

INFECTION: One is vulnerable to infection because both the disease and its treatments weaken the immune system

CANCER: Increased risk

BONE TISSUE DEATH:  Blood supply to a bone diminishes, often leading to tiny breaks in the bone and eventually to the bone's collapse

PREGNANCY COMPLICATIONSIncreased risk of miscarriage. Preeclampsia and preterm birth

JOINT: Widespread joint pain

SKIN: The most distinctive sign of lupus is a facial rash that resembles the wings of a butterfly unfolding across both cheeks

Hence the symbol for Lupus is a Butterfly.




(1) To raise awareness of this disease and support for those who suffer with internal symptoms that are often invisible. Through greater awareness comes greater support

(2) To raise money for much needed research. As no two cases are the same it has been a very difficult disease to research to date

(3) To give hope to others by demonstrating how embracing a Lifestyle & Functional Medicine Approach has made this possible for me 

(4) For my children, to show that we all get thrown challenges, some much worse than others, and of course so very worse than mine, and to understand that from every challenge comes growth. We can take control. We have so many choices daily with how we live, think, and with whom we surround ourselves. We have choice over what we consume, and  what we believe. We have choice with how we deal with challenges, and the pathway we take.


I believe part of my journey is to bring light to the Lupus cause and I’m beginning this by 'Riding So Others May Fly’.


Please note that donations made through this platform are secure and will be remitted directly through to my charity of choice, Lupus Association of NSW.  


Thank you for your support


Julie Schutz (Page)


For more of an insight into my personal experience and for further  information on a Lifestyle & Functional Medicine approach to health please visit 





























































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LUPUS ..Riding So Others May Fly

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    Lupus Association of NSW Inc

    The mission of the Lupus Association is to work towards a world without Lupus and associated connective tissue diseases through support education and research into a cure.

    The Lupus Association is a community based counselling and advocacy service. We are a non-government, not for profit, self-help organisation.

    We provide an information and counselling support services for those who have recently been diagnosed as well as those who have been living with lupus for some time.

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